Access to affordable, affirming, and trusted telehealth for the LGBTQ+ community is finally here.
Access a national network of telehealth doctors and therapists who deliver affirming and respectful care to LGBTQ+ individuals and allies.
What you get with us:
12 virtual primary care visits per year.
12 virtual urgent care visits 24/7/365 access per year.
12 virtual mental health sessions.
Dedicated customer support every step of the way.
Find therapists and doctors
who get you.
No co-pays.
No premiums.
No deductibles.
No hidden fees.
Just affordable,
affirming virtual healthcare
tailored to your unique needs.
Tired of feeling unseen, unheard, or uncomfortable at the doctor's office? We've been there and we get it.
At equalityMD, we believe everyone deserves affirming healthcare that respects your unique identity and prioritizes your well-being.
We'll connect you with LGBTQ+ inclusive providers who understand your needs and are trained to create safe digital spaces where you can enjoy affirming care.
$100 - $250
Average Session
Mental Health
$100 - $350
Average Visit
Primary Care
$150 - $350
Average Visit
Urgent Care
Per Visit with Membership
How much money can equalityMD save me?
As someone who's self-employed, finding affordable healthcare has always been a struggle. EqualityMD's subscription model is a lifesaver. It gives me peace of mind knowing I can access the care I need without breaking the bank.
Vanessa, Entrepreneur
Finding an LGBTQ+ competent doctor near campus was impossible. EqualityMD's
affirming telehealth is stress-free and perfect for my busy schedule. I'm getting great therapy without dealing with my parents or insurance companies!
Josh, College Student
My partner lives across the country, and finding inclusive care in both locations has been a nightmare. EqualityMD's telehealth platform lets us both connect with LGBTQ+ affirming providers on our terms, no matter where we are.
Kim, Couple
12 Guide & Thrive Visits
LGBTQ+ affirming mental health therapy
(50-minute sessions)
Hand-pick your provider
Continue seeing the same provider
Switch providers any time
Support services & resources
12 Primary Care Visits
Same day primary care
Schedule visits with doctors YOU choose
See the same provider each time for continuity of care
12 Urgent Care Visits
Urgent care shouldn't have office hours. With 24/7/365 access, you can get the care you need when you need it, no matter the time or place.